Strategy #7

Build on existing services that work.

Millions of residents have strong relationships with social media networks, search engines, and other third party sites and applications. City services should recognize what works well for New Yorkers and take advantage of the tools that residents already use and enjoy.

Here’s how to Build On What Works

Partner with private search and directory sites to optimize search results for City content.

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Use social media to show or explain City services. Tailor images and text for social media channels, invest in targeted posts that highlight City services, and cross-promote services offered by other agencies.

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Research existing tools that could help accomplish your goal before developing a new service or application.

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Invest in collecting and applying behavioral insights to develop, test, and refine digital services offered by the City.

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Compile a list of “Useful Apps and Tools” that includes third-party applications and sites.

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Help New Yorkers manage their relationship with the City where it is most convenient for them. Explore and test with residents the benefits of using existing payment application technology providers to complete City transactions.

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Tell Us Your Idea

We encourage you to submit feedback and tell us what you think as we continue to refine the playbook and share best practices.

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