Successful services combine digital offerings with access points in the physical city. Integrated services will empower diverse New Yorkers with access to information and resources and strengthen bonds between residents—online and in real life.
Here’s how to Tie Services & Neighborhoods
Use anonymous and aggregated search data consistent with applicable laws and policies to understand residents’ inquiries and interests, and respond with additional and appropriate resources.
Use available technology and platforms to distribute community-specific information, connect New Yorkers to each other, and refer residents to resources in their neighborhood.
Join and contribute on platforms where residents connect with each other to provide useful information while making the City’s presence on these platforms clear to users.
Develop and strengthen partnerships with libraries and other community hubs that provide digital access.
Create a web-based data platform showing the state of broadband connectivity in the City, and layer administration initiatives and their projected impact. Provide training for key City and external stakeholders on how to use the broadband connectivity platform to inform and support operations and planning.
Create a digital toolkit for community-based organizations, with a checklist of important features for their digital properties. Provide digital training to service providers and representatives from community-based organizations.
Enlist influencers in the community as champions of City digital services.