Strategy #11

Collaborate with civic, design, and technology partners.

The City doesn’t have to do it all on its own. Community and technology partners are ready to help develop and implement effective services. Joining forces with public-minded partners will make service delivery more effective for New Yorkers and efficient for government.

Here’s how to Engage Private Partners

Meet Open Data reporting requirements, as set by Local Law 11 (2012).

Endorse 21

Collect, format, and share data, as well as data you collect from external sources, consistent with law and policy so that partners can use and help you improve that data.

Endorse 14

Consider opportunities to ask New York City’s incomparable design and technology community to help you solve a problem, build a better tool, or improve an existing digital service. The Office of Digital Strategy will help you find a great partner.

Endorse 18

Create a culture of open source design and development. Create citywide open source licensing and policies to guide agencies.

Endorse 11

Explore procurement methods for acquiring digital services, particularly new ways to engage smaller and M/WBE vendors.

Endorse 13

Establish a method to allow agencies to acquire design services from a pool of vendors in service, digital, and communication design.

Endorse 10

Develop both informal (e.g., office hours) and formal (e.g., NYC Big Apps competition) mechanisms to partner with the civic technology community.

Endorse 8

Establish and publish data collection and distribution standards consistent with Local Law 11.

Endorse 6

Tell Us Your Idea

We encourage you to submit feedback and tell us what you think as we continue to refine the playbook and share best practices.

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